Clear Lake Kennels

clearlake kennels01 

About Us

Having. your pet experience a stress-free, healthy boarding visit is our #1 priority.  Safety is a close second.  Custom fencing is used; smooth, strong, with no sharp ends to harm your pet, all runs are topped to prevent climbing and provide shelter in case of inclement weather.  This allows your pet to continue their daily routine RAIN OR SHINE.  A 6' tall perimeter "catch" fence surrounds the entire kennel area for added safety.  In the case of a power outage, an automatic generator runs the entire facility, air conditioning, and music.  During hurricanes Katrina, Rita and Ike, our pets never lost air conditioning.  During Hurricane Harvey when a large part of Houston was flooded, our pets remained dry and air-conditioned — we were never without power.

We have 32 security cameras that film the entire property.  Dogs go out at 7.00 a.m. into their outside runs and every 3-4 hours during the day.  Weather permitting, we leave the doors open all day so that they can run in and out at will.


We give "BREED APPROPRIATE care for both cats and dogs.


Dogs & cats — With a state of the art grooming facility and background in "show dogs", breed-specific pet trims are our specialty.  We can make your pet look like the breed he or she is!  Show cat baths" are wonderful to reduce dander for allergies and keep body oil off your furniture

Our Menus

We feed the very best food.  All-natural ingredients, no preservatives, no 4D meat (diseased, dead, dying, and disabled).  This is included in your boarding charge.  Biologically appropriate raw food and bottled water can be furnished for an added charge.  THERE IS NO EXTRA CHARGE FOR FEEDING YOUR PETS FOOD FROM HOME.

Our Facilities

Your dog will board in a small family group of 25-30 dogs IN HIS OWN INDIVIDUAL HOME!  Only dogs from the same family will be boarded together if requested.  Having multiple boarding sections allows us to place your pet with appropriate neighbors.  We use only Kuranda® beds in our facility for your pet's comfort.  All of our indoor climate-controlled runs each have their own private exercise yard area.  This keeps the ambient noise to a minimum and cancels the "warehouse" effect of all dogs in one big space.  Each campus has its own central air conditioning, minimizing cross-contamination of airborne viruses.

Our kitty condo facility is away from the dogs.  No dog noises or smells to upset the little ones.  Designed to be like a home away from home with comfortable bedding to curl up in and nap.


With vaccination protocols changing, we defer to your vet for his/her protocol on your pet's individual needs and rabies vaccine, as required by law.